My Story

My love for health and fitness began with county athletics and academy football, where I was a youth player for Bristol Rover FC and Southampton FC. Playing in an academy set up until the age of 18, provided me with a wealth of knowledge before I even began my journey through university and beyond. 

Being in and around the first team players and being trained by world class coaches, I quickly understood the importance of a balanced diet, training regime and recovery plan. 

Unfortunately, this is where my football journey ended due to reoccurring injuries, but I wouldn't change any of it, as it has led me to where I am today. From being in the physio room so much, I absorbed so much information about the anatomy of the body and details on a wide range of injuries. 

It was at that point, that I wanted to get myself injury free and found my love for helping others with the knowledge I had started to gain. From the hours spent in the gym doing rehab, I began to go on my own fitness journey, stepping away from football and moved into bodybuilding. 

At 18, I decided to take the plunge and chase my passion for sports and the science behind it. So I moved to Southampton to begin a degree in Sports Science. 

Whilst at university I started to compete in bodybuilding and take a real interest in; anatomy, nutrition, optimal training and recovery. I began to work with TeamGB athletes in their strength and condition sessions and focused on optimising their performance. 

By the second year of university, I clearly understood the career path I wanted to take post graduation and that was to help people, move better and feel better. So I started to focus my studies at university on, sports and deep tissue massage, along with learning more about injuries and the anatomy of the body. 

Post degree, I then studied to gain a professional qualification in Soft tissue therapy and corrective exercise, along with becoming an acupuncture and dry needling practitioner. Whilst doing these studies, I worked as an online coach, helping individuals change their lives and also bodybuilders going into competition prep.  

After completing my studies, I moved back to Bristol, where I joined Fitness First Bath. I began working as a Fitness Consultant and moved into a manager role within the gym. This is where I opened my current private practice, where I have now been for over 5 years. 

Over the past 5 years, I have been fortunate enough to work with some amazing people, from local members of the public who just needed support to become pain free and strong again, to athletes from; the Common Wealth Games, Team Bath and Bath Rugby, along with specialist treatments for competitive Bodybuilders, Powerlifters and Crossfiters.

With my wealth of experience, you can put your trust in me, to help facilitate you in your journey. Whether that is acute/chronic musculoskeletal problems, Injury rehabilitation, injury Prevention or general release and support.

If you would like to get started or have any questions about how i could assist you, please contact me to discuss.


Mobile/Whatsapp: 07527852404

Location: Fitness First Bath, 5-10 James street W, Bath, BA1 2BX