Liam Vaulters Sports Therapy

Deep Tissue & Sports Massage

Deep Tissue & Sports Massage

Massage therapy involves the use of touch and manipulation of soft tissues within the body to treat pain, relax the body, and prevent injury. There are several different types of massage therapy, each offering different benefits. However, two of the most common types of massage are deep tissue massage therapy and sports massage therapy. Although both types of massage techniques are similar, it's always useful to know the difference if you are looking for a specific style of treatment. Although, it's worth noting that I will often mix both styles of massage where appropriate, to gain the best results, whether that's for Injury Prevention or Rehabilitation.

Deep tissue work can be general full body massages that I like to classify as MOT style treatments. They can be regular, weekly or monthly based sessions to support muscle health and recovery. A great style of treatment if you get regular stiffness from having an active lifestyle or from being sedentary.

Sports massage treatments are usually more specific to areas of the body that maybe injured or in need of extra relief. These areas are often overloaded with stress and tension from a specific style of work or sport. The main aim for this style of treatment, is to reduce inflammation and pain in an area, along with regaining muscle health. Also, while improving range of movement at surrounding joints.

For example; Barbers/hairdressers may have tight, restricted shoulders from repetitive cutting. Alternatively, someone who does a jumping based sports, may have inflamed knees and hips from repetitive loading and impacts. 

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